International Education

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International Education


欧宝体育app入口办公室致力于提供课堂之外的学习体验. Our diverse programs, both international and domestic, 给学生一个令人兴奋的方式来完成学分和/或提供服务.

欧宝体育app入口将向你介绍一种新的文化和新的生活方式. 你将学会认识和欣赏文化是如何决定价值观和行为的. 欧宝体育app入口将帮助你发展技能,给你课堂环境无法提供的经验.


Upcoming Programs

探索 our program list for world-class opportunities!

  • Short-Term Programs

    Experience the World in a Flash

    欧宝体育app入口欧宝体育app入口办公室提供短期, 为想要欧宝体育app入口体验但又不想离开校园一整个学期的学生提供沉浸式体验.

    • International Marine Science: 学生可以在潜水和探索温暖的海洋时获得各种海洋科学学分,从PADI的开放水域水肺认证到潜水大师, tropical waters of Saint Lucia, 伯利兹, or Bonaire. 地点每年都会根据项目目标和教师兴趣而变化. 

    • International Service: During Spring Break, 学生们到贫困地区做临床服务志愿者, extensive community outreach efforts, and health education programs. 课程面向健康科学和教育专业的学生, offering relevant field experiences, but are open to all students. Current destinations include The Bahamas and Guatemala. 

    • Spanish in Costa Rica: 这个为期4周的暑期项目提供了一个机会,让学生真正沉浸在与中泛美工业中心(CPI)的合作中。. Students become familiar with the Costa Rican culture, live with host families, 并在探索“美洲的瑞士”时获得一些专业和未成年人所需的额外西班牙语熟练程度.”

    • Spring Break in London: 商科专业和工商管理硕士的学生可以在春假期间前往伦敦,在一门创新的混合课程中获得学分:全球经济中的英国和欧盟. Students will tour the Lloyds of London, the financial district, and Windsor Castle, 还可以参加开膛手杰克的东伦敦徒步游. 

    • Field Biology Abroad: Students will research the ecology of The Galapagos Islands, study unique endemic Galapagos animals, 在开始为期七天的旅行,亲眼目睹这些传说中的岛屿和岛上的居民之前,了解一下保护岛屿的努力. 通过研究这个生态系统和特有生物的进化, 学生们将对生态和进化有更好的理解,并能更好地就人类如何控制经济发展与自然和谐相处做出明智的决定.

    • Alta Via Pilgrimage: In the summer between junior and senior year, 阿尔塔维亚的学生将有机会去阿西西和罗马进行为期10天的朝圣. 这次朝圣包括祈祷和参观圣. 弗朗西斯 of Assisi. In addition, 学生们在罗马美丽的天主教堂参观和祈祷,并与欧宝体育app入口共同的天主教信仰的根源联系起来. 

    • Learn in Lille; Live Europe: 里尔天主教大学提供两个为期四周的夏季课程, France with over 20 courses offered in English. Field trips to Lille, Brussels, Bruges, and Ypres are included. Trips to Paris, Normandy, WWI sites, 亚眠, 兰斯, Nausicaa, and the North Coast can be added at an additional cost.

    • Engineering in Albi, France: 花两周的时间在École des mines d'Albi-Carmaux学习, an Engineering School, located in southern France. 课程(英语授课)将提供法语和工程学两种语言, with expert seminars offered on Aerospace, Bio健康, Renewable Engineering, and more. 

    如需通过第三方合作获得其他机会,请联系杨小姐. Leona Horner, Director of International Education at


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  • Long-Term Programs

    Extend your knowledge far beyond the walls of Loretto! 


    • Semester in Lille, France: 在法国里尔的天主教大学(UCL)学习一个学期. 享受真正身临其境的体验,与来自数十个其他国家的学生一起学习. 里尔是法国北部一座充满活力的城市,美丽地融合了法国和佛兰德的传统. Once an industrial hub, Lille is known for its art, markets, student-centered atmosphere, and warmhearted locals. 如果你想远离大城市的喧嚣,同时又能拥有一切所需的东西,那么这是一个完美的留学目的地. 

    如需计划你的海外学期或其他长期的机会,请联系Ms. Leona Horner, Director of International Education at

Student Testimonials

Pre-Departure Information

为你的欧宝体育app入口经历做好准备可能会让人有点不知所措, 而是通过这些有益的联系以及欧宝体育app入口部门的帮助, your trip will be much easier.



international education

Contact Us

Ms. Leona Horner, Director

Office of International Education

Phone: 814-472-3245
Email Us
Location: Scotus Hall 306